
class fvgp.fvGP(x_data, y_data, init_hyperparameters=None, hyperparameter_bounds=None, output_positions=None, noise_variances=None, compute_device='cpu', gp_kernel_function=None, gp_deep_kernel_layer_width=5, gp_kernel_function_grad=None, gp_noise_function=None, gp_noise_function_grad=None, gp_mean_function=None, gp_mean_function_grad=None, gp2Scale=False, gp2Scale_dask_client=None, gp2Scale_batch_size=10000, calc_inv=False, online=False, ram_economy=False, args=None, info=False)

This class provides all the tools for a multitask Gaussian Process (GP). This class allows for full HPC support for training. After initialization, this class provides all the methods described for the GP class.

V … number of input points

Di… input space dimensionality

Do… output space dimensionality

No… number of outputs

N … arbitrary integers (N1, N2,…)

The main logic of fvGP is that any multitask GP is just a single-task GP over a Cartesian product space of input and output space, as long as the kernel is flexible enough, so prepare to work on your kernel. This is the best way to give the user optimal control and power. At various instances, for instances prior-mean function, noise function, and kernel function definitions, you will see that the input ``x’’ is defined over this combined space. For example, if your input space is a Euclidean 2d space and your output is labelled [0,1], the input to the mean, kernel, and noise function might be

x =

[[0.2, 0.3,0],[0.9,0.6,0],

[0.2, 0.3,1],[0.9,0.6,1]]

This has to be understood and taken into account when customizing fvGP for multitask use.

  • x_data (np.ndarray) – The input point positions. Shape (V x D), where D is the input_space_dim.

  • y_data (np.ndarray) – The values of the data points. Shape (V,No).

  • init_hyperparameters (np.ndarray, optional) – Vector of hyperparameters used by the GP initially. This class provides methods to train hyperparameters. The default is an array that specifies the right number of initial hyperparameters for the default kernel, which is a deep kernel with two layers of width fvgp.fvGP.gp_deep_kernel_layer_width. If you specify another kernel, please provide init_hyperparameters.

  • hyperparameter_bounds (np.ndarray, optional) – A 2d numpy array of shape (N x 2), where N is the number of needed hyperparameters. The default is None, in that case hyperparameter_bounds have to be specified in the train calls or default bounds are used. Those only work for the default kernel.

  • output_positions (np.ndarray, optional) – A 2-D numpy array of shape (U x output_number), so that for each measurement position, the outputs are clearly defined by their positions in the output space. The default is np.array([[0,1,2,3,…,output_number - 1],[0,1,2,3,…,output_number - 1],…]).

  • noise_variances (np.ndarray, optional) – An numpy array defining the uncertainties/noise in the data y_data in form of a point-wise variance. Shape y_data.shape. Note: if no noise_variances are provided here, the gp_noise_function callable will be used; if the callable is not provided, the noise variances will be set to abs(np.mean(y_data) / 100.0. If noise covariances are required, also make use of the gp_noise_function.

  • compute_device (str, optional) – One of “cpu” or “gpu”, determines how linear system solves are run. The default is “cpu”. For “gpu”, pytorch has to be installed manually. If gp2Scale is enabled but no kernel is provided, the choice of the compute_device becomes much more important. In that case, the default kernel will be computed on the cpu or the gpu which will significantly change the compute time depending on the compute architecture.

  • gp_kernel_function (Callable, optional) – A symmetric positive semi-definite covariance function (a kernel) that calculates the covariance between data points. It is a function of the form k(x1,x2,hyperparameters, obj). The input x1 is a N1 x Di+Do array of positions, x2 is a N2 x Di+Do array of positions, the hyperparameters argument is a 1d array of length N depending on how many hyperparameters are initialized, and obj is an fvgp.GP instance. The default is a deep kernel with 2 hidden layers and a width of fvgp.fvGP.gp_deep_kernel_layer_width.

  • gp_deep_kernel_layer_width (int, optional) – If no kernel is provided, fvGP will use a deep kernel of depth 2 and width gp_deep_kernel_layer_width. If a user defined kernel is provided this parameter is irrelevant. The default is 5.

  • gp_kernel_function_grad (Callable, optional) – A function that calculates the derivative of the gp_kernel_function with respect to the hyperparameters. If provided, it will be used for local training (optimization) and can speed up the calculations. It accepts as input x1 (a N1 x Di+Do array of positions), x2 (a N2 x Di+Do array of positions), hyperparameters, and a fvgp.GP instance. The default is a finite difference calculation. If ‘ram_economy’ is True, the function’s input is x1, x2, direction (int), hyperparameters (numpy array), and a fvgp.GP instance, and the output is a numpy array of shape (len(hps) x N). If ‘ram economy’ is False,the function’s input is x1, x2, hyperparameters, and a fvgp.GP instance. The output is a numpy array of shape (len(hyperparameters) x N1 x N2). See ‘ram_economy’.

  • gp_mean_function (Callable, optional) – A function that evaluates the prior mean at a set of input position. It accepts as input an array of positions (of shape N1 x Di+Do), hyperparameters and a fvgp.GP instance. The return value is a 1d array of length N1. If None is provided, fvgp.GP._default_mean_function is used.

  • gp_mean_function_grad (Callable, optional) – A function that evaluates the gradient of the ``gp_mean_function’’ at a set of input positions with respect to the hyperparameters. It accepts as input an array of positions (of size N1 x Di+Do), hyperparameters and a fvgp.GP instance. The return value is a 2d array of shape (len(hyperparameters) x N1). If None is provided, either zeros are returned since the default mean function does not depend on hyperparameters, or a finite-difference approximation is used if ``gp_mean_function’’ is provided.

  • gp_noise_function (Callable optional) – The noise function is a callable f(x,hyperparameters,obj) that returns a positive symmetric definite matrix of shape(len(x),len(x)). The input x is a numpy array of shape (N x Di+Do). The hyperparameter array is the same that is communicated to mean and kernel functions. The obj is a fvgp.fvGP instance.

  • gp_noise_function_grad (Callable, optional) – A function that evaluates the gradient of the ``gp_noise_function’’ at an input position with respect to the hyperparameters. It accepts as input an array of positions (of size N x Di+Do), hyperparameters (a 1d array of length D+1 for the default kernel) and a fvgp.GP instance. The return value is a 3-D array of shape (len(hyperparameters) x N x N). If None is provided, either zeros are returned since the default noise function does not depend on hyperparameters. If ``gp_noise_function’’ is provided but no gradient function, a finite-difference approximation will be used. The same rules regarding ram economy as for the kernel definition apply here.

  • gp2Scale (bool, optional) – Turns on gp2Scale. This will distribute the covariance computations across multiple workers. This is an advanced feature for HPC GPs up to 10 million datapoints. If gp2Scale is used, the default kernel is an anisotropic Wendland kernel which is compactly supported. The noise function will have to return a scipy.sparse matrix instead of a numpy array. There are a few more things to consider (read on); this is an advanced option. If no kernel is provided, the compute_device option should be revisited. The kernel will use the specified device to compute covariances. The default is False.

  • gp2Scale_dask_client (dask.distributed.Client, optional) – A dask client for gp2Scale to distribute covariance computations over. Has to contain at least 3 workers. On HPC architecture, this client is provided by the jobscript. Please have a look at the examples. A local client is used as default.

  • gp2Scale_batch_size (int, optional) – Matrix batch size for distributed computing in gp2Scale. The default is 10000.

  • calc_inv (bool, optional) – If True, the algorithm calculates and stores the inverse of the covariance matrix after each training or update of the dataset or hyperparameters, which makes computing the posterior covariance faster (5-10 times). For larger problems (>2000 data points), the use of inversion should be avoided due to computational instability and costs. The default is False. Note, the training will always use Cholesky or LU decomposition instead of the inverse for stability reasons. Storing the inverse is a good option when the dataset is not too large and the posterior covariance is heavily used.

  • online (bool, optional) – A new setting that allows optimization for online applications. Default=False. If True, calc_inv will be set to true, and the inverse and the logdet() of full dataset will only be computed once in the beginning and after that only updated. This leads to a significant speedup because the most costly aspects of a GP are entirely avoided.

  • ram_economy (bool, optional) – Only of interest if the gradient and/or Hessian of the marginal log_likelihood is/are used for the training. If True, components of the derivative of the marginal log-likelihood are calculated subsequently, leading to a slow-down but much less RAM usage. If the derivative of the kernel (or noise function) with respect to the hyperparameters (gp_kernel_function_grad) is going to be provided, it has to be tailored: for ram_economy=True it should be of the form f(x1[, x2], direction, hyperparameters, obj) and return a 2d numpy array of shape len(x1) x len(x2). If ram_economy=False, the function should be of the form f(x1[, x2,] hyperparameters, obj) and return a numpy array of shape H x len(x1) x len(x2), where H is the number of hyperparameters. CAUTION: This array will be stored and is very large.

  • args (any, optional) – args will be a class attribute and therefore available to kernel, noise and prior mean functions.

  • info (bool, optional) – Provides a way how to see the progress of gp2Scale, Default is False


Datapoint positions




Datapoint values




Datapoint positions as seen by fvgp




Datapoint values as seen by fvgp




Datapoint observation (co)variances.




Current hyperparameters in use.




Current prior covariance matrix of the GP




Current prior mean vector.




If enabled, the inverse of the prior covariance + nose matrix V inv(K+V)








the noise covariance matrix



update_gp_data(x_new, y_new, noise_variances_new=None, append=True, output_positions_new=None)

This function updates the data in the gp object instance. The data will NOT be appended but overwritten! Please provide the full updated data set.

  • x_new (np.ndarray) – The point positions. Shape (V x D), where D is the input_space_dim.

  • y_new (np.ndarray) – The values of the data points. Shape (V,1) or (V).

  • noise_variances_new (np.ndarray, optional) – An numpy array defining the uncertainties in the data y_data in form of a point-wise variance. Shape (len(y_data), 1) or (len(y_data)). Note: if no variances are provided here, the noise_covariance callable will be used; if the callable is not provided the noise variances will be set to abs(np.mean(y_data)) / 100.0. If you provided a noise function, the noise_variances_new will be ignored.

  • append (bool, optional) – Indication whether to append to or overwrite the existing dataset. Default = True. In the default case, data will be appended.

  • output_positions_new (np.ndarray, optional) – A 3-D numpy array of shape (U x output_number x output_dim), so that for each measurement position, the outputs are clearly defined by their positions in the output space. The default is np.array([[0,1,2,3,…,output_number - 1],[0,1,2,3,…,output_number - 1],…]).